Part 102: Twin Towers 3
Welcome back!

: I hear water... Justin...?
I love the spooky skull motif on that platform.

: Where am I...? Is anyone here? Hello, is anyone around?

: Juusstiiin! Suuue! Gaaadwiiiin!

: Hmm, what's going on...? Justin... Justin!
I feel the overwhelming urge to link to the Imperial March here.
Aww, c'mon, man, you've just been standing there watching her? Don't be creeping on your aide-de-camp's sister, Mullen.

: Ouch...! My leg is hurt...!

: You're the one who made my sister do those horrible things to Luc Village!
Stay classy, Mullen.

: You're right... and I apologize.

: What...? Owww!

: Looks like you've sprained your ankle. Nothing wrong with the bones.... If you take it easy, it should get better. Just sit still and rest it for a while.

: ...... Where in the world are we? And where's Justin and everyone...?

: We're inside the Twin Towers. It's a temple, built for the Icarians, back during the Angelou Civilization.

: A temple... for the Icarians...?

: Have a look around. Several old murals remain intact.

: Those spread wings are a symbol representing the Icarians. Those miraculous wings, which lifted them between the human and Spirit realms. All human history began with legends about those wings. See the two shining objects, like two suns, on the wings?
Those... sure are suns.

: Spirit Stones...? Wait, that can't be right. The legendes say there was only one Spirit Stone. ... Oh, I know! The Spirits, right? The Angelounian legends say they gave the Spirit Stone to the Icarians.

: Right you are.
Honestly, I'm pretty sure there's a few unnecessary qualifiers there, Mullen.

: Of course I know. After all, you've been on our "most wanted" list. However...

: The truth is,
And the rest of the text box is blank.
... What? It would have been a timely joke when the game came out.

: The truth is, I was rather surprised. You look so much like Leen, which makes sense since you're her twin.

: Oh, do you think so? People have not said much about the resemblance...

: Not only are you both pretty... you both are willing to take on impossible challenges.

: Huh...?

: You're teasing me, aren't you?!

: Ha ha ha! It's good that you're healthy enough to get mad.

: OK, this'll do for now. You should be able to get around now. Can you stand on your leg?

: Uh, yeah, I think so. Thanks, uh....

: Just call me Mullen. I'm a Colonel in the Garlyle Forces. I am Lt. Leen's commanding officer. But I think we should put all that aside for now and work together to escape from this place. OK?

: Uh, yeah. I guess that's a good idea.
"Sure, I
guess we can escape and not die down here."

: So, shall we get going? Can you walk OK?

. Yes, I'm fine now. Let's go.
Feena's walk animation is normal here. Not slow or stuttery or anything.

: Aaah!

: Be careful. These ruins are rather fragile.

: Please stay close behind me.

: Th... thanks, Mullen.

: ... ......
Well well, what have we here?

: I remember! A light shone when I challenged that jerk Mullen to another fight.

: Feena! Gadwin! Sue! Hey, where is everyone?!
And with that, we're given control again.
This room is called the Room of Original Sin, by the way. Apparently, in Icarian myths, it involved frogs.
Justin, therefore, is well-prepared.
Damn, that's a lot of frogs.
Oh, they're toads, not frogs.
This is our first Justin solo segment where we can fight monsters. Thankfully, Justin can't get ambushed while alone.
No, seriously, the trigger for being ambushed is an enemy touching someone who isn't Justin. When Justin is the only party member, it is literally impossible to meet the required condition to be ambushed.
Anyway, this is meant less as a challenge, and much more as a chance to buff up Justin's various skill levels. With normal equipment, Justin'll be taking very little damage per hit.
With the Treasures... well, things get slightly more interesting.
Slightly. Oh well, it gives me an excuse to get Justin some Water XP.
They, at least, start off very close to each other. And are weak to fire, meaning that Zap! or BOOM! will straight-up murder these dudes.
Spin Needle here is their first tech. Does about as much damage as their normal two-hit combo, but from a distance.
Frog Lullaby does exactly what you'd think it does.
"Oh, the Raincoat prevents sleep? Why would I ever need that?"
I'm gonna have to hold on to every gimmicky piece of equipment, aren't I?
Fuckin' finally. All right, let's blow this joint.
With the wide-area AoE of Burnflame, as well as the kickstart to his Fire levels, Justin takes the first real step on the path to his destiny:
Making large numbers pop out of all of the enemies at once.

: Hey! What's that?
Oh no! Someone is being menaced by someone or something else! Time to put our new skills to the te-
Oh, wait, we're out of MP.

: Eh? It's...?!
Looks like the Magic Circle had a sense of humor.

: Oh! Oh no! Stay away from me!
Dang. That is straight-up a phobia.

: Leen...! Are some monsters after you?
And yeah, that gold visible there is the only thing that counts as treasure inside the Twin Towers.
Justin tries to impersonate Fonzie, and fails.
Leen, much like her sister, has to be incapacitated somehow so that the man can save her.
... Look, I never said I liked
all of this game's writing.

: Are you OK, Leen? Hang on, I'm coming!

: What? Why?! You would help your enemy...?

: Get over it! You don't really mean that we're enemies now, do you?!
And with that, we start the boss fight for this dungeon.
Three frogs! toads!
... Yeah, when the game puts on the kiddie gloves, it really fuckin' puts the kiddie gloves on.
Justin, there is a trail of viscera behind you and you're still holding a blood-dripping axe.
This is not the time to grin like that.
See, now she thinks you're some sort of crazy axe-murdering cannibal. Like Shia LaBeouf.

: Yikes! Wha... what's the matter?!

: Justin! This is an order! You have the last fragment of the Spirit Stone. Now hand it over!

: Wha... what is this?! You were just crying for me to save you from the frogs, and now this?

: Just... just be quiet!

: It is my duty to get that Spirit Stone from you. My duty must come first!

: Ah, it was no big deal. But we'd better get out of here fast, or the frogs might come back!
3... 2... 1...

: Egads! That was quick! And look how many there are!

: We gotta get outta here or we're gonna be their lunch. Let's run through that passageway!
Dammit, Leen.

: Oh, really! Well, I'm not so full of pride!

: If you want my Spirit Stone that bad, you can have it. Here!
No, Justin! This is the exact worst time for your disco moves!

: Justin!? Justin... why? Why are you giving up your most valuable possession so easily?

: My life or yours?

: So just take it, OK? Now, I suggest we stick together for a while, at least until we find a way out of this tower.

: I'm trusting you, OK?
Will they make it?
What game do you think this is?
See you next time!